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Greetings I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself to you. First, I find that "Pastor Hetherington" is quite a mouthful, so most people call me "Pastor Dale." I was installed as the shepherd of the flock here at Grace on July 29, 2018. I was raised in the Evangelical Friends Church (Quaker to most people), spent time in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and for 20 years was a pastor in the American Baptist Churches USA. As to how I got here, that’s a story that would take more space than I am allotted. Suffice it to say that in 2003-2004 at an American Baptist seminary, I was introduced to the Ancient Church. I found comfort in the ancient liturgy, a sense of spirituality in the lectionary and calendar, truth in the creeds, and solid teaching in the church fathers. What I didn’t know at the time was that I could find these in the Lutheran Church. When I finally accepted as truth the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in, with, and under the bread and wine, I had become a Lutheran without knowing it. It is my pleasure to share with others what I have learned are the three distinctives of the Lutheran faith: The Foundation of Sola Scriptura The Pillar of the Church - The Protective Dome - the Means of Grace Word and Sacrament If you’re looking for a deeper walk with God, this is the place to be! Pastor Dale |
Pastor Dale's
Sermons 2025 Jan 12 & 13 Jan 5 & 6 Catechesis
The Lord's Prayer |